A. America Since World War II (1945–Present)
B. Exploring the Skills and Strategies Underlying U.S. History
a. Describe circumstances at home and abroad prior to U.S. involvement in World War II
b. Identify the significant military and political aspects of World War II
c. Analyze dimensions of the Holocaust and the Allies’ response to the Holocaust and war crimes
d. Evaluate the social, political, and economic impacts of World War II on the home front
e. Identify and evaluate the scientific and technological developments in America during and after W W II
f. Analyze the social, cultural, and economic changes at the onset of the Cold War era
a. Apply terms relevant to the content appropriately and accurately
b. Identify and interpret different types of primary and secondary sources of fundamental importance and relevance to topical inquiry and understanding
c. Interpret timelines of key historical events, people, and periods; locate significant historical places and events on maps
d. Analyze the importance of context and point of view in historical interpretation (e.g., interpret past events and issues in historical context rather than in terms of present norms and values); recognize that historians interpret the same events differently due to personal values and societal norms e Analyze and evaluate historical sources and interpretations (e.g., credibility, perspective, bias, and authenticity; verifiable or unverifiable; fact or interpretation)
f. Utilize research strategies, methods, and sources to obtain, organize, and interpret historical data
g. Compose arguments/position papers, and participate in debates on different interpretations of the same historical events; synthesize primary and secondary sources to justify position
h. Compose an analytical, historical essay containing a thesis, supporting evidence, and a conclusion
i. Identify, analyze, and understand elements of historical cause and effect; recognize and understand patterns of change and continuity in history
j. Develop open-ended historical questions that can be addressed through historical research and interpretation
k. Analyze how the past influences the lives of individuals and the development of societies
Essential Vocabulary:
Treaty of Versailles Blitzkrieg
Chamberlain Anschluss
Churchill Pearl Harbor
FDR Island Hopping
Hitler Victory Garden
Mussolini Rationing
Hirohito D-Day
Appeasement VE Day
Axis Powers Atom Bomb
Allied Powers Hiroshima
Nazism VJ Day
Fascism Harry Truman
Japanese Internment United Nations
History Benchmark D: Connect developments related to World War I with the onset of World War II
7. Analyze the causes and effects of World War I with emphasis on…the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations. (gr. 9)
9. Assess the global impact of post-World War I economic, social and political turmoil including...the rise of militarist and totalitarian states in Europe and Asia. (gr. 9)
10. Analyze the causes of World War II including appeasement, Axis expansion and the role of the Allies. (gr. 9)
7. Analyze the impact of U.S. participation in World War II, with emphasis on… the change from isolationism to international involvement including the reaction to the attack on Pearl Harbor. (gr. 9)
History Benchmark F: Identify major historical patterns in the domestic affairs of the United States during the 20th century and explain their significance
11. Analyze the impact of U.S. participation in World War II with emphasis on events on the home front to support the war effort, including industrial mobilization, women and minorities in the workforce; and the internment of Japanese-Americans. (gr. 10) People in Societies Benchmark B: Analyze the consequences of oppression, discrimination and conflict between cultures.
2. Analyze the results of political, economic, and social oppression and the violation of human rights including…the Holocaust. (gr. 9)
Economics Benchmark B: Explain how the U.S. government provides public services, redistributes income, regulates economic activity, and promotes economic growth and stability.
5. Analyze the impact of…World War II on the economy of the United States and the resulting expansion of the role of the federal government. (gr. 9)
Social Studies Skills and Methods A: Evaluate the reliability and credibility of sources.
1. Determine the credibility of sources by considering the…accuracy and consistency of sources. (gr. 10)
Social Studies Skills and Methods B: Use data and evidence to support or refute a thesis.
3. Analyze one or more issues and present a persuasive argument to defend a position. (gr. 10)