Course Objectives: A. Apply terms relevant to the content appropriately and accurately. B. Identify and interpret different types of primary and secondary sources of fundamental importance and relevance to topical inquiry and understanding. C. Interpret timelines of key historical events, people, and periods; locate significant historical places and events on maps. I. Identify, analyze, and understand elements of historical cause and effect; recognize and understand patterns of change and continuity in history
Standard D1: Challenges at Home and Abroad (The United States in a Changing World).
Course Objectives: B. Describe and evaluate the impact of scientific and technological innovations of the 1920s. C. Identify and evaluate the impact of new cultural movements on American society in the 1920s. D.
Identify the characteristics of social conflict and social change that took place in the early 1920s. E. Identify and explain the economic factors that contributed to the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression
Essential Vocabulary:
- Nativism
- Isolationism
- Communism
- Anarchist
- Sacco and Vanzetti
- John L. Lewis
- Warren G. Harding
- Ohio Gang
- Flappers
- Tea Pot Dome Scandal
- Stock Market
- Buying on Margin
- Speculation
a) Red Scare
b) Women’s Right to Vote
c) African American migrations from the south to the north
d) Immigration restrictions, nativism, race riots, and the re-emergence of the KKK.
e) The Roaring 20’s and the Harlem Renaissance
f) Stock Market speculation and the stock market crash of 1929